ISO 11490:1995

Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys -- Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 39.060
No Vigente


Specifies a gravimetric method for the determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys, preferably within the range of fineness stated in ISO 9202. These alloys may contain silver, indium, gallium, copper, cobalt, nickel, tin and ruthenium. Coprecipitated elements have to be determined by a suitable method and a correction applied.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 27/04/1995
Título Secundario Dosage du palladium dans les alliages de palladium pour la bijouterie-joaillerie -- Dosage gravimétrique par la diméthylglyoxime
Páginas Técnicas 4
Idioma Inglés