ISO 13695:2024

Optics and photonics — Lasers and laser-related equipment — Test methods for the spectral characteristics of lasers
Autor: ISO
Códigos ICS: 31.260 ; 37.020


This document specifies methods by which the spectral characteristics such as wavelength, bandwidth, spectral distribution and wavelength stability of a laser beam can be measured. This document is applicable to both continuous wave (cw) and pulsed laser beams. The dependence of the spectral characteristics of a laser on its operating conditions may also be important.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 22/11/2024
Título Secundario Optique et photonique — Lasers et équipement associé aux lasers — Méthodes d'essai des caractéristiques spectrales des lasers
Páginas Técnicas 25
Idioma Inglés