ISO 16378:2022

Space systems — Measurements of thermo-optical properties of thermal control materials
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 49.140


This document specifies the multiple measurement methods, instruments, equipment, and samples used to calculate the thermo-optical properties of thermal control materials. This document compares their features, indicates their limitations and biases, and guides the applications. This document also defines requirements for calibration and reference materials to ensure data quality.This document specifies the following test methods, including the configuration of samples and calculations.a) Solar absorptance using a spectrophotometer (as) — Annex A.b) Solar absorptance using the comparative test method (ap) — Annex B.c) Hemispherical infrared emittance using the thermal test method (eh-t) — Annex C.d) Normal infrared emittance using an IR spectrometer (en-s) — Annex D.e) Normal infrared emittance using ellipsoid collector optics (en-e) — Annex E.f) Normal infrared emittance using two rotating cavities (en-c) — Annex F.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 21/09/2022
Título Secundario Systèmes spatiaux — Mesures des propriétés thermo-optiques des matériaux de thermorégulation
Páginas Técnicas 37
Idioma Inglés