ISO 16610-31:2025

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Filtration — Part 31: Robust profile filters: Gaussian regression filters
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 17.040.20


This document specifies robust Gaussian regression filters for the filtration of surface profiles. It defines, in particular, how to separate large- and small-scale lateral components of surface profiles with protruding dales and hills.The concept presented for closed profiles are applicable to the case of roundness filtering. Where appropriate, these concept can be extended to generalized closed profiles, especially for surface profiles with re-entrant features.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 07/02/2025
Título Secundario Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) — Filtrage — Partie 31: Filtres de profil robustes: Filtres de régression gaussiens
Páginas Técnicas 22
Idioma Inglés