ISO 22638:2024

Rubber — Generation and collection of tyre and road wear particles (TRWP) — Road simulator laboratory method
Autor: ISO
Códigos ICS: 83.060 ; 13.020.40 ; 83.160.01


This document specifies a method for the generation of tyre and road wear particles (TRWP) in a road simulator laboratory that is representative of actual driving conditions. Guidance is provided for the road simulator system, test pavement and tyres, vacuum collection system, monitoring and reporting.This method is applicable for the collection of TRWP from a known pavement and tyre type under realistic driving conditions without the inference of road surface contaminants (e.g. brake dust, exhaust, grease).There is a possibility that this method is not relevant for studded tyres.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 31/07/2024
Título Secundario Caoutchouc — Génération et collecte des particules émises par l'usure des pneumatiques et de la route (TRWP) — Méthode de simulation routière en laboratoire
Páginas Técnicas 7
Idioma Inglés