ISO 23054-1:2022

Railway applications — Track geometry quality — Part 1: Characterization of track geometry and track geometry quality
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 45.080


This document defines track geometry parameters and specifies the minimum requirements for track geometry measurements and the evaluation method for track geometry quality.This document is applicable to 1 435 mm and wider track gauges. The urban/light rail systems, tramways and any track gauge narrower than 1 435 mm are excluded from the scope of this document, however it can be used as a reference.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 31/08/2022
Título Secundario Applications ferroviaires — Qualité géométrique de la voie — Partie 1: Caractérisation de la géométrie de la voie et de la qualité géométrique de la voie
Páginas Técnicas 33
Idioma Inglés