ISO 23418:2022

Microbiology of the food chain — Whole genome sequencing for typing and genomic characterization of bacteria — General requirements and guidance
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 07.100.30


This document specifies the minimum requirements for generating and analysing whole genome sequencing (WGS) data of bacteria obtained from the food chain. This process can include the following stages:a) handling of bacterial cultures;b) axenic genomic DNA isolation;c) library preparation, sequencing, and assessment of raw DNA sequence read quality and storage;d) bioinformatics analysis for determining genetic relatedness, genetic content and predicting phenotype, and bioinformatics pipeline validation;e) metadata capture and sequence repository deposition;f) validation of the end-to-end WGS workflow (fit for purpose for intended application).This document is applicable to bacteria isolated from:—    products intended for human consumption;—    products intended for animal feed;—    environmental samples from food and feed handling and production areas;—    samples from the primary production stage.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 09/06/2022
Título Secundario Microbiologie de la chaîne alimentaire — Séquençage de génome entier pour le typage et la caractérisation génomique des bactéries — Exigences générales et recommandations
Páginas Técnicas 45
Idioma Inglés