ISO 23835:2022

Space Systems — Mechanism design and verification
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 49.140


This document establishes requirements for the design, material selection and characterization, fabrication, testing and inspection of all space mechanisms on spacecraft and payloads to meet the mission performance requirements. This document does not cover the requirements for mechanisms on expendable and reusable launch vehicles. Applicability of the requirements contained in this document to launch vehicle mechanisms is a decision left to the individual launch vehicle project.This document applies specifically to all moving mechanisms used in spacecraft during all phases of the mission, with the exception of engines and thermal protection systems.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 20/04/2022
Título Secundario Systèmes spacieux — Conception et vérification des mécanismes
Páginas Técnicas 32
Idioma Inglés