ISO 24647:2023

Non-destructive testing — Robotic ultrasonic test systems — General requirements
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 19.100


This document specifies the necessary system hardware components, the characteristics, the component requirements and conditions for the application of robotic ultrasonic test systems.This document specifies the general requirements and acceptance criteria for robotic ultrasonic test systems.This document is applicable to robotic ultrasonic test systems composed of one or more robot(s). Some of the characteristics of a robot ultrasonic testing system can be application-specific.This document is applicable to conventional straight-beam probes and immersion technique.This document is also applicable for phased array equipment, but additional tests can be necessary.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 22/02/2023
Título Secundario Essais non destructifs — Systèmes robotisés de contrôle par ultrasons — Exigences générales
Páginas Técnicas 34
Idioma Inglés