ISO 2855:1976

Radioactive materials -- Packagings -- Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 13.280
No Vigente


Specifies some methods for prototypes of transport packaging, but may not be considered universally applicable. The leak test ist provided for the containment system of containers and type A packaging for low specific activity liquid or powder sources. The homogeneity test refers to the outer surface of the shielding or the whole packaging. Both methods are inappropriate when the containment system is too large or of a type that they become impracticable.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 01/07/1976
Título Secundario Matières radioactives -- Emballages -- Essais d'étanchéité au contenu et d'homogénéité d'atténuation du rayonnement
Páginas Técnicas 3
Idioma Inglés