ISO 32112:2025

Transaction assurance in E-commerce — Relevant factors of evaluation and selection of indicators
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 03.080.30


This document provides the description of relevant factors for evaluating E-commerce transactions, which can help in identifying indicators, evaluation toolkits and an approach for selection of indicators. This document focuses on E-commerce transaction assurance by providing the relevant factors of evaluations including quality of E-commerce transaction platforms and sites, quality of E-commerce transaction services, local external environments for E-commerce transactions and sustainability of E-commerce transactions. This document also explains the way to set up a set of E-commerce transaction evaluation indicators that enables monitoring and improvement of the quality of E-commerce transactions.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 07/01/2025
Título Secundario Assurance des transactions de commerce électronique — Facteurs pertinents pour l'évaluation et sélection des indicateurs
Páginas Técnicas 19
Idioma Inglés