ISO 3218:1976

Essential oils -- Principles of nomenclature
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 71.100.60
No Vigente


To distinguish essential oils from fixed oils, the expression "oil of ..." shall be used. The commonly accepted trivial name of the plant shall follow these words. When no trivial name exists, the complete botanical name shall be used instead. If more than one part of the plant can be used for the extraction of essential oil, the name of the part employed shall follow the trivial name of the plant. If necessary the name of the country or area the plants are coming from shall precede the trivial name and the method used for obtaining the essential oil shall be indicated after a comma at the end of the title. Examples for English and French nomenclature are given.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 01/06/1976
Título Secundario Huiles essentielles -- Principes de nomenclature
Páginas Técnicas 2
Idioma Inglés