ISO 3459:1976

Polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes -- Joints assembled with mechanical fittings -- Internal under-pressure test method and requirement
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 23.040.60
No Vigente


Specification of the test method and apparatures for checking the leakproofness of assembled joints, when the external pressure is greater than the pressure within the pipe. The test shall be carried out at two levels of difference between external and internal pressures (0,01 and 0,08 MPa).

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 01/10/1976
Título Secundario Tubes sous pression en polyéthylène (PE) -- Assemblages avec raccords mécaniques -- Essai d'étanchéitéà la dépression intérieure et caractéristiques requises
Páginas Técnicas 2
Idioma Inglés