ISO 6742-1:1987

Cycles -- Lighting and retro-reflective devices -- Photometric and physical requirements-- Part 1: Lighting equipment
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 43.150
No Vigente


This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 6742-1 : 1985), incorporating draft Amendment ISO 6742-1/DAM 1 : 1985. Constitutes a revision of some clauses. Includes a new definition 4.12 and some new methodes, and marking requirements. Applies to lighting equipment for use on cycles intended to be used on public roads.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 17/09/1987
Título Secundario Cycles --Éclairage et dispositifs rétroréfléchissants -- Exigences photométriques et physiques-- Partie 1: Dispositifs d'éclairage
Páginas Técnicas 15
Idioma Inglés