ISO 7832:1987

Cinematography -- Photoelectric output factor of photographic-type audio-level test films -- Measurement and calibration
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 37.060.20
No Vigente


Describes a method of measuring and calibrating the photoelectric output factor of single-channel photographic-type audio-level test films in all gauges by means of a calibrating sound reproducer. The specifications apply to both vaiable-area and variable-density sound records with a silver audio track. Calibrated audio-level test films are used for the precise measurement of the output level of photographic sound reproducers and the photoelectric output factor of different sound records. In addition, the performance of a calibrating audio reproducer is described.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 15/10/1987
Título Secundario Cinématographie -- Facteur de sortie photoélectrique des films d'essai de niveau sonore de type optique -- Mesurage et étalonnage
Páginas Técnicas 6
Idioma Inglés