ISO 8335:1987

Cement-bonded particleboards -- Boards of Portland or equivalent cement reinforced with fibrous wood particles
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 91.100.40
No Vigente


Specifies the characteristics of +compressed cement-bonded particleboards suitable for all internal applications, such as partitions, ceilings, etc., and establishes the test methods for determination and control of the specified values. For boards intended for applications exposed to the weather or moisture, special requirement apply.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 12/11/1987
Título Secundario Panneaux de particules à liant ciment -- Panneaux en ciment Portland ou équivalent renforcé par des particules fibreuses de bois
Páginas Técnicas 9
Idioma Inglés