ISO/PAS 24438:2020

Ships and marine technology -- Maritime education and training -- Maritime career guidance
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 03.180
No Vigente


This document provides a powerful decision-making tool for persons that either have clear professional development goals or have uncertainties related to the progression of their career paths, including minimum education and training requirements for a given occupation so that candidates can take the necessary steps to meet their goals. This document seeks to assist professionals in (or those who would like to enter) the maritime sector, on board or ashore, in determining what they would like to achieve professionally, establishing how to get there through this proactive tool, taking into consideration— personal circumstances and academic background,— previous work experiences, knowledge and skills,— short, medium and long-term ambitions,— changing education and training requirements resulting from continual industry evolution,— current and future job opportunities,— impact of technology, and— shifting personal interests, attitudes, abilities and goals.This document helps identify potential jobs within the maritime industry, on board and ashore, in order to provide alternative career paths.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 09/10/2020
Título Secundario Navires et technologie maritime -- Éducation et formation maritime -- Recommandations pour l’orientation dans les métiers de la mer
Páginas Técnicas 17
Idioma Inglés