ISO/TR 4114:1979

Road vehicles -- Caravans and light trailers -- Static load on ball couplings
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 43.040.70
No Vigente


This Technical Report lays down the limiting values of static loads applied vertically by caravans or light trailers on ball couplings fitted to towing vehicles. Applies to caravans or light trailers for which the maximum authorized weight does not exceed 3,5 tonnes. Not applicable to unbraked trailers and twin-axle trailers.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 01/11/1979
Título Secundario Véhicules routiers -- Caravanes et remorques légères -- Charge statique sur les boules d'attelage
Páginas Técnicas 3
Idioma Inglés