ISO/TR 6741-4:1987

Textiles -- Fibres and yarns -- Determination of commercial mass of consignments-- Part 4: Values used for the commercial allowances and the commercial moisture regains
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 59.060.01
No Vigente


The values for the commercial allowances and commercial moisture regains, which are arbitrary figures to be formally agreed between the interested parties, are only applicable for this purpose, and when used in conjunction with the procedures defined in this International Standard. The values are listed in two tables.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 09/04/1987
Título Secundario Textiles -- Fibres et fils -- Détermination de la masse commerciale d'un lot-- Partie 4: Valeurs utilisées pour les taux commerciaux de conditionnement et pour les taux commerciaux de reprise d'humidité
Páginas Técnicas 6
Idioma Inglés