ISO/TR 7035-2:2024

Design and asset management of DIP for water application — Part 2: Design, installation and operation
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 23.040.10


The objective of this document is to assist conceptors, engineering offices, water companies or project owners in the design, installation and operation of the ductile iron pipeline systems for water supply:—     introduce practices for design, installation and operation of new ductile iron pipe water supply systems, rehabilitation or renovation;—     refers to existing standards that specify products’ design, installation and site testing, materials and coatings.This document gives efficient support to ISO/TR 7035-1 which indicates chapters here for readers’ reference.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 30/09/2024
Título Secundario Conception et gestion des actifs des tuyaux en fonte ductile pour l'alimentation en eau potable — Partie 2: Conception, installation et exploitation
Páginas Técnicas 23
Idioma Inglés