ISO/TR 7882:1986

Road vehicles -- Brake linings -- Determination of thermal conductivity by guarded hot-plate apparatus
Autor: ISO
Código ICS: 43.040.40
No Vigente


This Technical Report describes a method of determining the thermal conductivity of homogeneous materials or the thermal resistance of coated materials by means of the hot-plate apparatus by applying it to brake linings for road vehicles. The measuring method is suitable for more or less homogeneous porous, fibrous, granulated or coated materials.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 20/11/1986
Título Secundario Véhicules routiers -- Garnitures de freins -- Détermination de la conductivité thermique par la méthode de la plaque chaude gardée
Páginas Técnicas 8
Idioma Inglés