ISO/TS 23361:2024

Nanotechnologies — Crystallinity of cellulose nanomaterials by powder X-ray diffraction (Rietveld analysis)
Autor: ISO


This document specifies the determination of the bulk crystallinity (crystalline contribution relative to the total crystalline and amorphous contributions in the material) of cellulose nanomaterials using powder X-ray diffraction followed by deconvolution of the diffraction patterns based on Rietveld analysis. It is applicable to all types of cellulose nanomaterials, assuming a representative sample.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 18/10/2024
Título Secundario Nanotechnologies — Cristallinité des nanomatériaux à base de cellulose par diffraction aux rayons X sur poudre (analyse de Ruland-Rietveld)
Páginas Técnicas 22
Idioma Inglés