ISO/TS 3736-2:2022

Digital fitting — Service process — Part 2: Customized clothing online and offline
Autor: ISO
Códigos ICS: 61.020 ; 35.240.99


This document describes a service process applicable to the distribution of customized clothing using a virtual human body, virtual garment and fitting.This document provides guidance to service providers, including online and offline retailers and 3D shopping platform developers to set up a service process for the distribution of customized clothing using a virtual human body, virtual garment and fitting.This document does not specify software functions, algorithms and commercialization related to the simulation.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 31/08/2022
Título Secundario Habillage virtuel — Processus de service — Partie 2: Habillement personnalisé en ligne et hors ligne
Páginas Técnicas 12
Idioma Inglés