ISO/TS 9546:2024

Guidelines for security framework of information systems of third-party payment services
Autor: ISO
Códigos ICS: 03.060 ; 35.240.40


This document provides guidelines for a security framework to address the implementation of security mechanisms in technical infrastructures designed for the provision of third-party payment (TPP) services in order to achieve the security objectives defined in ISO 23195. The security framework is intended to protect critical systems and objects within the TPP system environment, either under the direct control of the third-party payment service provider (TPPSP) or by another entity (e.g. a bank).This document is applicable to the provision of any TPP service, including:—     the TPP logical structural model;—     the definition of the security framework;—     the design principles, responsibilities and functional recommendations to support the security mechanism;—     guidelines for applying the security framework defined in this document.

Especificaciones de la Norma
Fecha de Publicación 19/12/2024
Título Secundario Lignes directrices relatives au cadre de sécurité des systèmes d'information des prestataires de services de paiement
Páginas Técnicas 24
Idioma Inglés